Chairperson’s Message

“To dream anything you want to dream that is the beauty of human mind,

To do anything that you want to do ,that is the strength of human will,

To trust yourself, to test your limits, that is the courage to succeed.”

         Schooling has the greatest influence on an individual’s life. It should enable the child to blossom into a well-balanced person, healthy in mind and spirit. We started our journey in 2004 with a motto “Education for social and individual responsibility” and as I glance back at the performance of the children in various activities down the lane, be it curricular, co-curricular, I can confidently say that our students have certainly made us, parents and teachers proud of their achievements.

         I believe each child is unique and has tremendous potential to learn- It is our responsibility as faculties and parents to mold them into a flawless, zealous & victorious citizen. I extend my warm wishes to the Principal, Staff and Students to continue this journey on the road of excellence, assuring that we at Angels are aware of the challenges that lie ahead and will leave no stone unturned to further enrich the rich legacy of this esteemed institution. 

Best wishes

Mrs.Manju Dhandharia.